
See what our users have to say 👇
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Harriet Zhao
UX/UI designer

"My clients ❤️ Bolt (and so do I). My feedback process is so much smoother and client feedback is easy to follow."

5 Stars
Thorben Hazard
Head of Product

"Stop what you're doing and join Bolt. Our collaboration has improved, we're more efficient and we're creating better products."

5 Stars
Sami Pershka
Founder, Jointribe

"I've used Bolt for 2 weeks now (early access) and it has changed my workflow completely. THANKS! 🙏🏻"

5 Stars
Ronnie Sawyer
CEO, Aries Design

"My design and development team use Bolt to bridge the communication gap. Bolt makes it effortless to pinpoint areas of discussion."

5 Stars
Harissa Paul
Digital designer

"All I can say is... schweeet!! Thank you for building a kick-ass product"

5 Stars
Phil Cook
UX/UI + Webflow

"Bolt has rapidly sped up my feedback workflow. Getting client feedback is now seamless and efficient!"

5 Stars
Joshua Morgan
CEO, Streak

"Really great; we use Bolt to collect team feedback on all of our designs. Fantastic tool."

5 Stars
Ladhika Rowin
‍‍Webflow developer

"Thank you for building Bolt. I use this with all my Webflow sites – collecting client feedback is f**king fast now."

5 Stars
Pippa Gent
‍‍Interface designer

"Great tool, thanks :). Useful + free!"

5 Stars
UX/UI designer

"I've been a member since early beta tests and have over 60 websites on Bolt now. LOVE IT!"

5 Stars
Vera de Souza
Marketing Lead

"Amazing product, thank you for building Bolt. Client feedback stresses me out but Bolt helps so much."

5 Stars

Get started for free

3 line illustration
Collect visual feedback on your live sites and static designs